DSI Showcases Research in the “TSRI Research and Development Personnel Network Forum 2024”

published: 11/29/2024 8:28:04 AM updated: 12/3/2024 10:23:35 AM 397 views   TH

DSI Showcases Research in the “TSRI Research and Development Personnel Network Forum 2024”

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) organized the “Research and Development Personnel Network Forum 2024”, aiming to facilitate knowledge exchange between early-career and senior researchers within organizations funded by the National Science Research and Innovation Fund. This fosters academic collaboration, knowledge sharing, the advancement of high-potential research, and the enhancement of young researchers' skills in research techniques, including presentation skills and networking with experienced senior researchers. The forum took place from November 21–23, 2024, at The Regent Cha-Am Beach Resort in Phetchaburi Province. At the forum, two researchers, who received funding under the Fundamental Fund (FF) program during the 2021–2023 fiscal year, were invited to present their research through oral and poster presentations, as follows:

1. Mr. Mongkol Meeloon, Special Case Officer (Professional Level), Bureau of Development and Logistics, delivered an oral presentation.

2. Police Lieutenant Anuthap Chomphuthawat, Special Case Officer (Senior-Professional Level), Bureau of Technology and Information Inspection Center, delivered a poster presentation.

It appeared that Mr. Mongkol Meeloon, Special Case Officer (Professional Level), Bureau of Development and Logistics, received the Outstanding Award for his research titled "Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Technology for Cyber Alert Investigation”.


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