Terms of Use for DSI Website

published: 10/29/2013 10:44:44 AM updated: 6/20/2022 5:20:16 PM 30792 views   TH

DSI Website Policy

The Department of Special Investigation has set the policy and guideline on personal information protection for security and prevention of dishonestly utilizing personal information of the DSI websites’ users
(www.dsi.go.th, casereporter.dsi.go.th,mail.dsi.go.th, map.dsi.go.th, etc.)

Personal Information Collection

Department of Special Investigation will collect information of the DSI’s website users where necessary, depending on the
type of service used from the DSI website, such as registrations for certain services or subscriptions of activities through the DSI
website, in which the accessing to and exiting from the DSI’s website, such as IP Address, websites accessed before and after
accessing DSI website, type of browser, etc. is automatically collected and stored.

Use of Personal Information

The Department of Special Investigation will collect, store, and use the information related to you in case such information is deemed beneficial for the DSI’s operation or for the better services provided to you. The Department of Special Investigation will
use your information in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations or in order to further improve the DSI’s services.

Disclosure of Information to the Third Party

The Department of Special Investigation will not disclose your personal information stored or your personally identifiable information to a third party unless;
- The Department of Special Investigation has obtained your consent.
- Your information is required to enable your transaction.
- Such disclosure is lawful or required by the orders of related government agencies. The Department of Special Investigation will
not disclose your personal information to a third party for marketing purposes, such as telesales or delivery goods sales, etc.

Privacy Policy

  The Department of Special Investigation employs appropriate security measures in order to prevent unauthorized accesses or alteration of information, including inspection of such information accesses by employing suitable data encryption and
physical security to prevent unauthorized system uses.
  The personal information access is limited to the DSI’s government officers, government employees, or workers that require such information   in order to operate on behalf of the Department of Special Investigation. Such personnel must comply with the regulations on security of confidential information. They will be fired and prosecuted in criminal offences if they violated such regulations.

Privacy Policy Adjustment

The following details are to inform you as the user about the security technology employed by the Department of Special Investigation (if any) in order to ensure the security of your information.
  • User ID/Username and Password After the registration for DSI’s e-services, you will
    receive your User ID/Username and Password for accessing the DSI’s system. The system administrator knows you User ID, but not the Password. You are responsible for safely keeping your Password without disclosing your User
    ID/Username and Password to other persons. We suggest you to regularly change your Password and log off the system after
    using services in order to prevent other persons from making transactions by your account.
  • Cookies are the processes that enable the users to more conveniently use the DSI website. They allow the web server to use
    the information later. Cookies are installed while you were accessing the site. After closing the page, some cookies can be
    either stored in your computer in the form of files or stored with expiry date or not stored at all. You can configure your
    browser whether to support Cookies.


Privacy Policy Compliance and Contact with DSI
If you have any question, suggestion, or comment about this policy and guideline for information protection, the Department
of Special Investigation are pleased to answer the questions and review suggestions and comments, which will be
useful for the service improvement for the Department of Special Investigation. You can contact the Department of Special
Investigation as detailed below.
Office: Information Center, Bureau of
Technology and Information Inspection
Center, Department of Special Investigation
Website: https://www.dsi.go.th
Address: 128, Department of Special
Investigation Building, Chaeng Watthana
Road Thung Song Hong Sub-district, Lak Si
District, Bangkok 10210
Tel: 0 2831 9888

e-mail: webadmin@dsi.go.th



Website Security Policy

It is important to inform the users about the website security measures to bolster the users’ more confidence in website’s services and to ensure that the users’ information is well-protected and most secured.

The policy content includes the following:

  • The website’s security measures and methods
  • Equipment and technology employed in security system
  • Suggestions related to the primary security for users, such as quality password setting, using, and changing in suitable period, etc.
    • Installation of Intrusion Detection
    • Firewall Protection Use
    • Installation of high quality anti-virus
    • Data Encryption
    • Employing Secured Socket Layer (SSL)
      technology in data transferring through
      internet network
    • Automatically Log off after an inactive


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