Mission and Duty

published: 10/29/2013 1:51:18 PM updated: 6/14/2022 1:49:16 PM 52243 views   TH
Mission and Duty in accordance with the
Ministerial Regulation on the Organization of
the Department of Special Investigation
Prevention, suppression, and investigation of criminal cases that require special methods of investigation pursuant to the Special Case
Investigation Act
(1) To deal with administrative work of the Board of Special Case (BSC) under the Special Case Investigation Act and related laws;
(2) To prevent, suppress, and investigate serious cases pursuant to the Special Case Investigation Act and the rules or the
   resolution made by the BSC as well as perform its work conforming to the Criminal Procedure Code and other laws relating to
   the criminal offences regarded as special cases;
(3) To study, collect, systematize, and analyze information for the benefit of performance of the BSC and for serious crime prevention, suppression, and investigations;
(4) To educate about, train on, and develop a special case investigation system as well as enhance knowledge and evaluate work
   performance of DSI’s personnel;
(5) To perform its work relating to the laws and regulations under the responsibility of the DSI and related work; and
(6) To perform any other tasks according to the laws under the responsibility of the DSI or as assigned by the Minister or the

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