DSI Welcomes Visitors from Hong Kong Police Force's Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB)

published: 11/19/2024 6:57:49 PM updated: 11/20/2024 9:46:18 AM 390 views   TH

On November 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in Meeting Room 1, 1st floor, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) Building, Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director-General of the DSI, assigned Mr. Somroek Tangkarawakhun, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau, as a DSI representative, along with Police Major Suthottawat Areerattananakorn, Director of the Special Operations Bureau, and Mr. Yossun Rueangsansomsiri, Deputy Director of the Technology and Cyber Crime Bureau, to welcome Superintendent Cheng Chi-man and a delegation of officers from the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of the Hong Kong Police Force on the occasion of their study visit to the DSI.

The objective of this study visit was to introduce the DSI, exchange knowledge about the authority, duties, and missions of the DSI, especially in the prevention and suppression of transnational crime, cybercrime, and special operations, and to strengthen relationships between the agencies. Representatives from the Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau, the Technology and Cyber Crime Bureau, the Regional Operations Bureau, and the Special Operations Bureau gave presentations on their roles, responsibilities, significant case results, and exchanged experiences for sustainable crime solutions.

This study visit resulted in strengthening the relationship between the agencies, leading to the exchange of criminal intelligence and cooperation in preventing transnational crime in the future.

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