DSI offers an opportunity to the public to provide clues, file complaints and follow up on the progress through any provided channel and emphasizes that every complaint will be taken into consideration and processed free of charge within the scope of its power and duty
published: 5/17/2023 11:56:53 AM updated: 5/25/2023 9:47:20 AM 2072 views
DSI offers an opportunity to the public to provide clues, file complaints and follow up on the progress through any provided channel and emphasizes that every complaint will be taken into consideration and processed free of charge within the scope of its power and duty
On Tuesday 16 May 2023, a group of over 100 people came to the Department of Special Investigation on Chaeng Wattana Road, Bangkok, and requested to meet with DSI Director-General Police Major Suriya Singhakamol to file a complaint regarding their sufferings and to encourage DSI officers who effectively and impartially performed their duties on investigation and inquiry under their authority and duties, which builds confidence in people regarding the work process of the DSI.
In the first case, the Swine Raisers Association of Thailand along with Mr. Atchariya Ruangrattanapong, Chairman of the Crime Victims Assistance Club and the swine raisers from every region who suffered from the smuggling of pork operated by an organized crime syndicate, filed a complaint letter with DSI Director-General Police Major Suriya Singhakamol and the Director of Bureau of Tax Crime Mr. Tanin Prempree, requesting DSI to look into the case and accept it as a special case. The complainants also provided relevant preliminary information and evidence in the complaint letter.
A swine raiser group stated that the pork at issue originates from foreign countries, such as Brazil, Argentina, Germany and the United States of America, etc., and is imported into the kingdom through various customs houses with false declaration of product types in order to avoid customs duties. The practice causes the cost of the pork to be almost 50%lower than the one raised and sold in the country, which has had an effect on domestic swine raisers, as they are unable to sell pork in the price based on market mechanism and these swine raisers suffered from a drastic decrease by 30-40% of their income. In this regard, if the government sector could not find a solution to this problem, it will be a long-term problem and might expand into other agriculturist groups, such as agronomy which is the source of raw materials for swine/pig feed. In smuggling the pork, it was assumed that there were more than 50 accomplices including public officers, transport companies and other relevant persons jointly committing the offence as an organized syndicate. It was found that false product type has been declared since around 2022, causing the government to encounter the lost revenues of more than 4,000 million baht from tax collection. The complainants had filed complaints with other relevant agencies before coming to the DSI, yet the results are still pending. Therefore, the complainants requested DSI to look into the case and accept it as a special case.
In the second case, a group of victims in the case concerning the New Concept Property Company Limited persuading the public to buy condominium units in the area of Chiang Mai Province and other relevant areas met with the DSI Director-General Police Major Suriya Singhakamol, the Director of Bureau of Financial-Banking Crimes and Money Laundering Police Lieutenant Colonel Jukkrit Visetketgarn and his Deputy Director Mr. Rawee Acksornsiri, to inquire about the process and progress regarding the civil actions in the money laundering case and the overall image of the progress of such case as well as to commend DSI special case inquiry officials for their commitment in performing duties to protect the rights of the victims.
This case is in response to the incident that the victims invested in purchasing condominium units from the New Concept Property Company Limited claiming that they had 12 projects in the vicinity of Chiang Mai Province and other provinces but failed to do as advertised. More than 2,000 individuals became injured persons and lost at least 2,000 million baht. The DSI then investigated and seized both movable and immovable properties with its total exceeding 1,000 million baht. The properties related to the commission of such offence were, in some parts, transferred to Anti-Money Laundering Office for further actions under its power and duty for victims’ rights protection. The DSI Director General, after hearing the victims of both cases, acknowledged every aspect of the problems. Any complaint filed with the DSI will be prioritized and urgently taken into consideration under the scope of the DSI’s power and duty regardless the channels the complaint was filed to. The Director-General also appreciated the trust that people have towards the work performance of the DSI.
DSI offers an opportunity to people to provide clues, file complaints and follow up on the progress through any channel provided. Members of the public can come in person or call 0-2831-9888 or DSI Hotline 1202 (during official hours) or email dsi@dsi.go.th (free of charge).