DSI arranges online training course on “Development and Increase of Skill in Disciplinary Actions”
published: 7/7/2022 10:15:16 PM updated: 8/10/2022 12:33:52 PM 965 views
DSI arranges online training course on “Development and Increase of Skill in Disciplinary Actions”
The Department of Special Investigation arranged its online training course on “Development and Increase of Skill in Disciplinary Actions” for its personnel attended by 113 officers, held on July 4-6, 2022. The opening ceremony was chaired by Pol.Maj. Yuthana Praedam, Deputy Director-General of the DSI. This online training course was aiming at educating the personnel responsible for the disciplinary procedure and actions to have better knowledge on, understanding of and ability to performing works with more efficiency and fairness according to the Civil Service Act B.E.2551(2008), and encouraging the personnel to live and perform their work conforming to its shared value “Dignity, Specialty, Integrity”.