DSI and Cambodian National Police hold meeting to discuss the exchange of information on human trafficking

published: 1/30/2024 2:16:49 PM updated: 2/1/2024 9:24:28 AM 385 views   TH

On January 30, 2024, Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Deputy Director General, Acting Director General, Department of Special Investigation, assigned Police Captain Piya Raksakul, Deputy Director General, Department of Special Investigation, as the head of the DSI delegation to participate in a meeting with the Cambodian National Police, along with Police Major Siriwish Chantechasitkul, Director of Bureau of Human Trafficking, Ms. Arunsri Wichawut, Director of Bureau of Special Case Management, and Ms. Atitaya Thongboon, Director of Foreign Affairs Division at the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice. Together with a delegation from the Department of Special Investigation, they traveled to Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia, to participate in the meeting with Pol.Lt.Gen. Chiv Phally, Deputy Commissioner General of the Cambodian National Police, and Pol.Maj.Gen. Sim Phanom, DIrector of the Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Department, along with a delegation from the Cambodian National Police. The Department of Special Investigation and the Cambodian National Police held a bilateral meeting with more than 40 participants to discuss international cooperation in the investigation of human trafficking cases for the year 2023. The event was part of the ASEAN-Australia Counter Trafficking (ASEAN-ACT) project.        

The aforementioned meeting, organized annually between the Department of Special Investigation and the Cambodian National Police since 2014, aims to enhance cooperation in preventing and combating human trafficking. The focus is on fostering more comprehensive information exchange and enhancing the capabilities of the respective agencies. This aligns with the policy outlined by Police Colonel Tawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice. He emphasized that the fight against human trafficking should be conducted based on the 5P principles: Policy, Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership. This particular meeting served to reinforce the principle of Partnership, making it more tangible. Both agencies exchanged information about the situation of human trafficking, intelligence, and strategies for prosecution. Most importantly, they worked together to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Cambodian National Police and the Department of Special Investigation. This MOU focuses on bilateral cooperation against cross-border human trafficking, which will benefit the operational activities of both agencies in the future.

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