DSI Received Complaint for Special Investigation into Senatorial Election Process

published: 7/9/2024 1:20:33 PM updated: 8/9/2024 4:59:51 PM 330 views   TH

DSI Received Complaint for Special Investigation into Senatorial Election Process


            On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:00 AM, at the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) building on Chaeng Wattana Road, Police Major Worranan Srilum, Director of the Bureau of Illegal Financial Business and spokesperson for DSI, was assigned by Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Deputy Director-General acting as the Director-General of DSI, to receive a complaint from Mr. Phattarapong Supakson, also known as Lawyer Aun, representing the group "New Generation for Pure Democracy."

            The group submitted a request for an investigation into evidence found in the senatorial election and asked for it to be treated as a special case. The election of senators at district, provincial, and national levels on June 26, 2024, resulted in the selection of 200 senators. Following the election, there were reports of irregularities in the election process, leading to public suspicion about whether the selection of these senators adhered to democratic principles and the spirit of the law.

            Police Major Worranan stated that the complaint would be forwarded to the Bureau of Special Case Management as the central agency for cases in DSI, to compile factual and legal information. This information will be submitted to the DSI Director-General for an order to expedite the assignment of the relevant agency for further investigation.

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