Study visit to Bitkub Capital Group Holdings Company by a delegation of Bureau of Technology and Cyber Crime of DSI for advantage of work integration

published: 4/29/2022 10:53:02 AM updated: 5/6/2022 2:54:31 PM 1449 views   TH

Study visit to Bitkub Capital Group Holdings Company by a delegation of Bureau of Technology and Cyber Crime of DSI for advantage of work integration



       On April 28, 2022, during 09.00 a.m. and 03.00 p.m., Miss Ratsamee Seetalavarang (Director of Bureau of Technology and Cyber Crime of the DSI), her Deputy Director Mr. Nateetorn Meechai, Mr. Chavaphon Sinpoonpak (Head of Technology and Cyber Crime Division 2) and officers of the Bureau made a study visit to a company named Bitkub Capital Group Holdings Co., Ltd. (Bitkub). The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Atthakrit Chimplapibul (Chief Executive Officer) and Mr. Piyapong Kodchana (Chief Operating Officer) and employees of the Company, and briefly lectured on roles, duties, services, and digital asset exchange of the Company and its 7 affiliates licensed by the Ministry of Finance as a leading operator on digital assets and Cryptocurrency exchange, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other digital currencies.

       The study visit was aimed at enhancing understanding and increasing working experience of the Bureau’s officers. The two agencies will integrate their cooperation in cases relating to technology and cyber crime in the future as it will be of benefit to work of the DSI.