DSI to Formulate Career Path Program as Transparent Model for Professional Growth
published: 1/9/2023 4:16:42 PM updated: 1/24/2024 9:43:59 AM 747 views
DSI to Formulate Career Path Program as Transparent Model for Professional Growth
On Friday 6 January 2023 at 10.00 am at DSI Headquarters, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) held the DSI Working Group Meeting on Career Path, with DSI Director-General Mr. Triyarith Temahivong serving as Advisory Chairperson.
The Director-General was quoted as saying, that formulating a career path is one of DSI’s priorities, as it is a factor with direct influence for DSI’s human resources management, especially in creating incentives for those with potentials and determination to become aware of their professional growth or career promotion and to be able to perform their duties and meet DSI’s expectations.
“As a law enforcement agency with public trust and expectations to ensure justice is served, DSI strives to become a model agency with maximum transparency in establishing a career path based on knowledge, abilities, experience and achievements to selectively draw people with expertise and integrity. This will serve as an incentive for DSI officers to actively perform their assigned duties and bring about recognized achievements, in compliance with the terms and methods set by the Civil Service Commission.”
To ensure that the DSI career path program is implemented and adapted to meet the ever-changing contexts of laws, rules, regulations and organization culture, the DSI Working Group on Career Path was formed to include DSI’s directors and special case experts, with Deputy Director-General Police Lieutenant Colonel Phayao Thongsen acting as the WG Chairperson.
With the goal of introducing DSI’s career path within 2 months, the Working Group is to study and analyze relevant rules and regulations to formulate the career path, to ensure its implementation, ant to consider including external experts from agencies with demonstrated success in career path programs in the formulation of DSI’s own career path.