Director General of the Department of Special Investigation co-signed an academic cooperation agreement between the Department of Special Investigation and the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University
published: 1/17/2024 3:13:11 PM updated: 1/19/2024 7:41:23 AM 709 views
Director General of the Department of Special Investigation co-signed an academic cooperation agreement between the Department of Special Investigation and the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University
On January
17, 2024, at the reception room of the Rajaburi Direkriddhi Building,
Government Complex (Building A), Police Colonel Tawee Sodsong, Minister of
Justice, graced DSI with his presence at the signing ceremony of the academic
cooperation agreement between the Department of Special Investigation,
represented by Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Deputy Director General Acting
Director General of the Department of Special Investigation, and the Institute
of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, represented by Associate Professor
Dr. Pavika Sriratanaban, Director of the Institute of Asian Studies,
Chulalongkorn University. Also present were Dr. Ratchada Jayagupta, Director of
the Asian Migration Research Center, Center of Excellence in Migration and
Development, and the Thailand representative on the ASEAN Commission on the
Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) as an
expert on women's rights, advisor to the Minister of Justice, faculty members
from the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Mr. Seksit
Sawanyathiput, Director of Bureau of Development and Logistics, and directors
of the Department of Special Investigation. On this occasion, Police Colonel
Tawee Sodsong delivered a special talk to share
knowledge and experience related to driving the rule of law of the
Ministry of Justice and the government.
This academic
cooperation agreement aims to foster collaboration in the development of
academic work, research, and personnel development in the field of justice
administration. It involves cooperation in sharing information and academic
knowledge, creating a network for organizing academic conferences, training,
seminars, and research dissemination. This includes publishing academic works,
documents, media, and videos for educational and promotional purposes to
systematically prevent and reduce crime, leading to a more peaceful and orderly
society. It also aligns with the key policies of the Minister of Justice and
contributes to the restoration of the rule of law.
Department of Special Investigation expresses its gratitude to the Institute of
Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, and all involved parties for the
successful signing of this cooperation agreement. The Department of Special
Investigation will work towards achieving the goal of 'Justice for All' in
accordance with Section 68 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E.
2560 (2017), which mandates the state to efficiently, fairly, and impartially
manage the justice system to ensure timely justice for the people. The signing
of this cooperation agreement symbolizes the sustainable collaboration between
the two organizations going forward.