The DSI welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Justice, during a visit to exchange knowledge about the development of the smart crime mapping system.

published: 6/28/2024 11:09:22 AM updated: 7/10/2024 2:20:20 PM 188 views   TH

The DSI welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Justice, during a visit to exchange knowledge about the development of the smart crime mapping system.

            On June 18, 2024, at the Department of Special Investigation building, Pol. Capt. Piya Raksakul, Deputy Director-General of the DSI; Police Major Natapol Ditsayatham, Expert in Consumer Protection and Environmental Crime; Mr. Kraisri Sawangsri, Head of the Mapping and Geo-information Technology Division; and Mr. Phuchit Karnasutha, Head of Criminal Intelligence Analysis Division, welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Justice. The delegation included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Advisor to the Minister of Justice, a representative from the Department of Corrections, and a representative from the Office of the Narcotics Control Board. The purpose of the visit was to learn about and exchange knowledge regarding the development of the smart crime mapping system (DSI Crime Map) used in the Department of Special Investigation's criminal investigation. This visit aligns with the Minister of Justice's policy to facilitate work and information exchange between departments. The goal is to develop a Central Crime Map Data Center for the Ministry of Justice, which can be utilized to drive management policies and effectively address public grievances swiftly and efficiently.

             A study visit was conducted at the Bureau of Technology and Information Inspection Center, during which the Mapping and Geo-information Technology Division presented and exchanged knowledge regarding the development of the smart crime mapping system (DSI Crime Map). This system aims to function as the model Data Center for the Ministry of Justice by consolidating related information from agencies under the Ministry of Justice into one system, leading to maximum benefits in driving Ministry of Justice management policies and efficiently solving public sufferings. 

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