DSI representative briefed Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) delegation on the study visit on public security and safety from a global perspective
published: 6/6/2023 11:15:42 PM updated: 6/7/2023 2:43:12 PM 648 views
DSI representative briefed Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) delegation on the study visit on public security and safety from a global perspective
On June 6, 2023 at 9:00 - 10:00 a.m., Pol Maj Yuthana Praedam, Deputy Director General of Department of Special Investigation, assigned Mr. Somroek Tangkharawakhun, Deputy Director of Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime, Acting Director of Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime, as a representative of Department of Special Investigation to welcome and brief the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) delegation, consisting of 15 students and 2 staff members, on the topic of “Public Security and Safety from a Global Perspective” at the Ministry of Justice Meeting Room 10-01, Ministry of Justice, with Pol. Lt.Col. Prawut Wongsinin, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Justice, presiding over the event.
Mr. Somroek shared DSI's views with the visiting group on the following points: (1) The scope of performance, mission, and authority of Department of Special Investigation (2) Current public security and safety challenges faced by Department of Special Investigation and future trends and (3) Good practices used by the Department of Special Investigation to address public security and safety challenges.
The study visit has the objective of enabling students to interact and learn from Thai justice practitioners about addressing issues or specific challenges of Thailand, including the enhancement of cross-cultural understanding in justice administration.