DSI Welcome Tanzanian Inspector-General of Police and Hanns-Seidel Foundation
published: 12/2/2022 3:05:29 PM updated: 12/19/2022 2:27:37 PM 694 views THDSI Welcome Tanzanian Inspector-General of Police and Hanns-Seidel Foundation
On behalf of DSI Director-General Mr. Triyarith Temahivong, Deputy Director-General Police Captain Piya Raksakul on 24 November 2022 welcomed Inspector-General Camilius Mangoso Wambura of Tanzanian Police and his delegation to DSI Academy during their study visit to DSI’s training facility and its law enforcement capacity-building capabilities.
Joined by the representatives of Hanns Seidel Foundation, the visit of Tanzanian Police delegation was also intended to exchange with DSI the information and views on human trafficking, child sexual exploitation and transnational crime.
Also present at the event were Director of Development and Logistics Bureau Mr. Seksit Sawanyathiput, Director of Human Trafficking Bureau Police Major Siriwish Chantechasitkul, DSI Deputy Spokesperson and Head of Public Relations Ms. Yaninee Preechawit and Head of DSI Academy Police Lieutenant Settavoot Saipong.
On this occasion, the Inspector-General of Tanzanian Police expressed his interest in training courses at DSI Academy and looked forward to the participation of Tanzanian police in the future.