Director-General and his deputy attended a meeting between the Minister of Justice and the Australian Ambassador

published: 3/16/2021 9:17:16 AM updated: 3/19/2021 3:06:20 PM 1242 views   TH

Director-General and his deputy attended a meeting between the Minister of Justice and the Australian Ambassador



       On Monday, March 15, 2021, at the reception room of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Allan McKinnon, the Australian Ambassador to Thailand, paid a courtesy call on Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, the Minister of Justice, to discuss governmental matters attended by Pol.Lt.Col. Korrawat Panprapakorn, the Director-General of DSI, and his deputy Pol.Col. Akarapol Punyopashtambha.

       The meeting discussed important matters, especially the development of cooperation in law enforcement to combated serious crimes, such as transnational crimes, trafficking in narcotics and persons. Since the past, the DSI has closely, continuously collaborated with Australian law enforcement agencies, both in forms of agency to agency and task-force, for example, a Thai-Australian taskforce to fight against narcotics and transnational crimes known as “Taskforce Storm”. The aforesaid cooperation and collaboration bring success in investigation into cases and apprehension of offenders in many cases.



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