DSI Deputy Director-General discussed the online training plans for personnel

published: 8/12/2021 10:09:27 AM updated: 8/31/2021 10:22:50 AM 924 views   TH

DSI Deputy Director-General discussed the online training plans for personnel



       On August 11, 2021, at 1:30 p.m., Pol.Col. Akarapol Punyopashtambha (the Deputy Director-General supervising the DSI Academy) chaired the meeting of the working group for producing online training plans of the DSI to consider the online training plans for personnel of the DSI in various courses, e.g. the special case officer course and the mentor and coaching course.

       For online training efficiency and the highest benefits to the DSI and its personnel, the Deputy Director-General also delivered his policies on training matters to the working group as follows.

       1. Training based on the trainee-centered approach by designing the topics to cover and answer their needs and providing approved evaluations

       2. Preparing the equipment needed for the trainings

       3. Designating the clarified and suitable training locations for the courses