The head of the special case investigation team has summoned alleged offender in the case of Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited, to acknowledge the charges, extended the deadline of Krabivisetpalmoil Co., Ltd., to removed items from the Palm Oil Extraction Factory area to May 2
published: 5/1/2024 10:10:51 AM updated: 7/17/2024 9:50:34 AM 717 views
The head of the special case investigation team has summoned alleged offender in the case of Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited, to acknowledge the charges, extended the deadline of Krabivisetpalmoil Co., Ltd., to removed items from the Palm Oil Extraction Factory area to May 2
On Monday, April 29, 2024, Police Captain Channarong Tubsarn, Deputy Director of Regional Operations Bureau and head of the special case inquiry team no. 56/2566, signed a summons for 5 suspects for acknowledgement of the charges on May 7-8, 2024, including:
1. Mr. Panop (surname withheld), a former officer of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) who recently retired, is charged with "being a state official who performed or failed to perform duties or exercised authority in their position, to cause the injury to any person," under Section 172 of the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, B.E. 2561 (2018).
2. Mr. Nithinai (surname withheld), is charged with supporting state officials who performed or failed to perform their duties under the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, B.E. 2561 (2018), in conjunction with Section 83 of the Criminal Code.
3. Mr. Samrerng (surname withheld), is charged with supporting state officials who performed or failed to perform their duties under the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, B.E. 2561 (2018), in conjunction with Section 83 of the Criminal Code.
4. Mr. Yutthana (surname withheld), is charged with supporting state officials who performed or failed to perform their duties under the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, B.E. 2561 (2018), in conjunction with Section 83 of the Criminal Code.
5. Mr. Jom (surname withheld), is charged with supporting state officials who performed or failed to perform their duties under the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, B.E. 2561 (2018), in conjunction with Section 83 of the Criminal Code.
In this case, members of the Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited and the public suspect that, after the special case inquiry team no. 56/2566 had already frozen the Palm Oil Extraction Factory in Klong Thom District, a property of Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited, Krabivisetpalmoil Co., Ltd. was still allowed to buy fresh palm for extraction. Subsequently the general public, members of Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited, and stakeholders are informed that the inspection revealed that Krabivisetpalmoil Co., Ltd. had already submitted documents for a palm oil futures contract with a third party who may not have been aware of the details. The special case investigation team then held a meeting with the Director of the Bureau of Special Operations and a representative from the Legal Affairs Division, where they collectively agreed to allow Krabivisetpalmoil Co., Ltd. to remove non-evidence assets from the Palm Oil Extraction Factory in Klong Thom District by May 2, 2024, before 6:00 PM.
"In addressing the handling of the seized assets, Police Colonel Tawee Sodsong, the Minister of Justice, has provided a policy requesting that the investigation team clarify all problems and be able to answer questions from all parties and individuals who have concerns. Meanwhile, Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director General, has instructed the investigation team to thoroughly investigate and gather all forms of evidence to ensure that the truth is fully revealed. The special case investigation team has organized meetings with various parties, which has helped in understanding the movements of the offenders. From now on, there will be a focus on detailed scientific evidence, and summonses will be issued to accomplices among the second and third-tier suspects to acknowledge the charges,” said Police Captain Channarong Tubsarn.
In the case of corruption involving the Krabi Oil-Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation Limited, it has been designated as a special case with the approval of the Board of Special Cases. The investigation began under Special Case No. 215/2565, during which it was discovered that a government official, an employee of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), was involved in wrongdoing. The inquiry team then sent the case files to the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), which decided to return them to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) for further investigation to identify the offenders. Police Captain Channarong Tubsarn, Deputy Director of Regional Operations Bureau, was assigned to lead the special case inquiry team No. 56/2566 and inspected the seized property, which is the Palm Oil Extraction Factory in Klong Thom District, Krabi Province. The special case inquiry team No. 56/2566 posted a notice at the factory entrance indicating that it is seized in Special Case No. 56/2566.