DSI trains members of its networks in Southeast Asia countries online
published: 7/22/2021 4:08:31 PM updated: 8/31/2021 6:31:01 PM 2191 views
DSI trains members of its networks in Southeast Asia countries online
Today, on Wednesday, July 21, 2020, Pol.Lt.Col.Korrawat Panprpapakorn (the Director-General) assigns his Deputy Director-General Pol.Col.Akarapol Punyopashtambha to preside over the opening of the project “Innovations for Dissemination of Knowledge of Networks of the DSI for Prevention of Special Crime Occurrence via Online Media (Forwarding Renowned Activities to Online Communities)” and lecture the participants on the authorities, duties, and missions of the DSI, international exchange of special crime information, missions of the Special Crime Prevention Network Division in disseminating the said missions and authorities to members of its networks in domestic and overseas, and receiving complaints from its networks’ members. This project is organized by the Special Crime Prevention Network Division under the Bureau of Policy and Strategy of the DSI to educate members of the people's network both in the country and abroad comprising 8 classes of training during June 23, 2021 and September 8, 2021 attended by 25 trainees each. The training today is the 1st class of the networks in Southeast Asian countries, and in European Union countries attended by 25 members of the networks from 36 associations/volunteer groups working to help Thai people in Europe and representatives of the volunteer groups from trade associations in Southeast Asia.
In this training, there are also many experts who will give knowledge to the members of domestic and overseas networks of the DSI for the prevention of the special crime occurrence and the efficient and effective performance of duty of the government agencies, the dissemination of knowledge to members of the people’s networks. The training is the channel for communication and integration with the members of the said networks, and the preservation of the networks of the DSI.