DSI evaluated for the 2021 Human Rights Model Organization Awards
published: 8/18/2021 2:17:39 PM updated: 8/31/2021 5:32:30 PM 1198 views
DSI evaluated for the 2021 Human Rights Model Organization Awards
On August 17, 2021, Pol.Lt.Col.Korrawat Panprapakorn (the Director-General), accompanied by his bureau directors/group heads, attended the evaluation of the DSI by the Subcommittee on Monitoring, Considering and Selecting Model Organizations for the 2021 Human Rights Model Organization Awards via the online system. The DSI by its Strategic Plan and Manpower Subdivision, Human Resources Management Division compiled the work results of the DSI as an outstanding organization with its best practice in human rights of the fiscal year 2020 and applied for the 2021 Human Rights Model Organization Awards. The DSI is determined to drive the organization to achieve its vision to be a key organization enforcing laws against special crimes by international standards for providing justice to its service users and stakeholders, and creating fairness and peace in the society