DSI organized a training course on preparing special case investigation files and prosecution in court
published: 3/26/2024 1:06:35 PM updated: 4/17/2024 1:18:27 PM 299 views
On Monday, March 25, 2024, Mr. Seksit Sawanyathiput, Director of Development and Logistics Bureau, presided over the opening ceremony and Miss Yaninee Preechawit, Director of the Expertise Development Division, delivered a report on the training course on preparing special case investigation files and prosecution in court for fiscal year 2024. The training was held from March 25 to April 5, 2024, at the Training Room 1, Lecture Hall Building, DSI Academy, Nong Chok District, Bangkok. A total of 44 participants joined the program, which aimed to provide DSI personnel with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to conduct special case investigations, preparing special case investigation files, and collect and analyze evidence accurately, efficiently, and to the same standard.