Bi-lateral Meeting on Anti-Human Trafficking Cooperation between the Royal Malaysia Police and the Royal Thai Police and the DSI in Malaysia

published: 5/22/2017 4:11:57 PM updated: 5/22/2017 4:11:57 PM 1385 views   TH

Bi-lateral Meeting on Anti-Human Trafficking Cooperation between the Royal Malaysia Police, the Royal Thai Police, and the DSI in Malaysia



          On May 10-11, 2017, Pol.Col. Dr. Akarapol Punyopashtambha, Expert on Human Trafficking and Narcotics Crime and officers of the Anti-Human Trafficking Center, Department of Special Investigation, participated in the Bi-lateral Meeting between the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), the Royal Thai Police (RTP), and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) at the Park Royal Hotel, Bukit Bintang, Malaysia. The meeting was organized by the Australian Program and ASEAN embark on new Work Plan to Fight Trafficking in Persons in the Region (APPTIP) for enhancing the cooperation and coordination on human trafficking cases among the agencies.