DSI Director General accompanied the Minister of Justice to Phuruea District, Loei Province
published: 9/17/2018 9:59:39 AM updated: 9/17/2018 9:59:39 AM 1436 views
DSI Director General accompanied the Minister of Justice to Phuruea District, Loei Province
On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at the meeting room of the Phuruea District Office, Loei Province, the DSI's Director-General Pol.Col.Paisit Wongmuang, Pol.Lt.Col.Korawat Parnprapakorn (Deputy Director-General), Pol.Lt.Col.Shane Kanchanapach (Director of Regional Operation Bureau) together with the Head of the DSI Operation Center Region 4 and officials attended an opening ceremony of the project on “Bringing Justice to Communities – Delivering Services of the State to People” no. 12/2561 presided by Air Chief Marshal Prajin Juntong (the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice). The project included the visit and meeting to learn of problems and adversities faced by people living in Phuruea District and nearby districts.
On this occasion, assigned by the DSI's Director-General, Pol.Maj.Nathaphol Disayatham, the Special Case Expert on Consumer and Environmental Protection, reported a progress of searches at the Phurua Vanodhayan Agricultural Garden in Phuruea District, Loei Province to the Minister of Justice.
At the Phuruea District Office, the DSI's booth was arranged by the Public Relations Division of the Office of Secretary to provide the attendees with information about special cases, roles, missions and authority of the DSI, and related laws (via info graphic and animations) as well as to display the capacity of drone used to search the Phurua Vanodhayan Agricultural Garden and Rungyen Resort.