DSI and USSS discussed MOU on Transnational Crime Control
published: 3/22/2020 3:15:37 PM updated: 3/22/2020 3:15:37 PM 1836 views
DSI and USSS discussed MOU on Transnational Crime Control
On March 5, 2020, 10:00 a.m., at the DSI, Special Agent Trenson Akana of the US Secret Service (USSS) and his team visited the DSI to meet the Director of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau Pol.Col.Akarapol Punyopashtambha for discussing the Memorandum of Understanding on Transnational Crime Control between the USSS and the DSI aimed at strengthening cooperation in exchanging intelligence, case information and training courses against transnational crime, cybercrime, and financial crime. The USSS and the DSI have been cooperated since the past. The aforesaid MOU will boost and extend their existing cooperation, for example, cooperation to confiscate the proceeds from crime, to train officials of the DSI to have expertise in many fields.