DSI and its partners from ASEAN countries raised their capacity to cope with cybercrime

published: 6/28/2018 11:32:34 AM updated: 6/28/2018 11:32:34 AM 1449 views   TH

DSI organized a seminar on sharing knowledge, laying down measures and guidelines on law enforcement for cybercrime prevention with ASEAN law enforcement agencies.

          The seminar was held on June 27, 2018 at the Cattleya Meeting Room, Rama Gardens Hotel in Bangkok aimed at discussing and exchanging the idea on the cooperation between agencies in Thailand and ASEAN attended by 120 participants from embassies of ASEAN countries and agencies in Thailand, namely the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of the Attorney General, and the Royal Thai Police.
          Mr.Wisit Wisitsora-At, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Justice, presided over the opening ceremony of the seminar and gave the opening remark that the Ministry implemented its work in compliance with the government policy “Thailand 4.0” that emphasizes the strengthening of national strength and the connection to the global community,  and that integrating work for cybercrime suppression among ASEAN law enforcement agencies is the significant step to increase the development of working networks between law enforcement agencies in ASEAN countries in readiness for the future threats.
          Pol.Col. Paisit Wongmuang, the DSI’s Director-General informed the participants of the seminar’s objectives to enhance the DSI’s personnel’s skill on cybercrime prevention and investigation, and to exchange experiences and to build cooperation with law enforcement agencies at national and international levels. The seminar included a special lecture on “Cyber Warfare” by the representative from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and a panel discussion on “Facing with Cyber Crime” by the experts on cybercrime from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, the Electronic Transactions Development Agency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Royal Thai Police.
          In the afternoon, the participants separated into 3 groups also brainstormed to find the ways to cope with internet fraud, cloud computing, and cryptocurrency.