DSI invited experts on VIP Protection from the US Secret Service to share experience

published: 8/16/2018 2:31:40 PM updated: 8/16/2018 2:31:40 PM 1688 views   TH

DSI invited experts on VIP Protection from the US Secret Service to share experience



On August 15, 2018, 09.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m., at the DSI, the experts from the United States Secret Service (USSS), the agency responsible for safeguarding the US President and other important persons, lectured 17 officers of the DSI's Special Operation Bureau on VIP protection as invited by the DSI requested by its Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau and Special Operation Bureau.



Under the support of the US Embassy in Bangkok, the DSI by Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau also plans to invite experts from other prominent agencies of the US to transfer their expertise and experience in the topics befitting and benefiting the DSI's work and its officials' capability, either in the form of lectures or training courses.