DSI officials attended the 2018 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice-Twenty-seventh session, in Vienna, Austria
published: 5/22/2018 9:22:14 AM updated: 5/22/2018 9:22:14 AM 1305 views
DSI officials attended the 2018 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice-Twenty-seventh session, in Vienna, Austria
On May 13-19, 2018, the DSI’s representatives comprising Pol.Capt.Khemachart Prakyhongmanee (the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime) and Mr.Wasawat Chawalitthamrong (the Head of Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies Division 3) accompanied the Head of Thai delegation Air Chief Marshal Prajin Juntong (the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice of Thailand) to attend the 2018 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Twenty-seventh session, held at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)’s Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria as delegated by the Justice Minister. Other government officials in the Thai delegation included representatives from the Court of Justice, the Office of the Attorney General, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), the Royal Thai Police, the Anti-Money Laundering Office, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Office of Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission, and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society.
The topics of discussion in the 27 session of CCPCJ were international cooperation for preventing crime and strengthening criminal justice, implementation of the obligations under the UNODC and UNCAC conventions, including international instruments against terrorism and the ways to deal with cross jurisdiction activities of emerging crimes such as cybercrime, money laundering, human trafficking, and environment crime.
The DSI’s representatives were assigned to give a statement on behalf of Thailand in “the thematic discussion on criminal justice responses to prevent and counter cybercrime in all its forms through the strengthening of cooperation at the national and international levels: current challenges and possible responses to them” by presenting the cooperation of Thailand for crime prevention and suppression at national and international levels, and the problems of and the fight against human trafficking including child pornography which the online media was used as tools for committing crime.
The meeting was very interested in Thailand’s work against child pornography (under its new law) and its close cooperation with countries in controlling the problem. The DSI’s representatives also participated in the meeting of “Committee of the Whole (CoW)” for considering 3 draft resolutions on the cooperation against cybercrime, human trafficking and child pornography.
In the 27 session of the CCPCJ, Thailand’s exhibition under the title “From ‘Projects’ (Inspire, Bangkok Rules) to ‘Products’: Lesson Learned from Thailand’s Corrections-based Rehabilitation Programmes” was presided by the Justice Minister of Thailand.