DSI thanked KNP liaison officer for his support

published: 10/22/2018 1:31:27 PM updated: 10/22/2018 1:31:27 PM 1444 views   TH

DSI thanked KNP liaison officer for his support


          On October 18, 2018, at the Netherlands Embassy, the DSI's Deputy Director-General Pol.Col. Songsak Raksaksakul together with Pol.Lt.Col.Paisith Sungkahapong, Director of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime Bureau and DSI officials attended a function to bid farewell to Mr. Mr.Henk Werson, a liaison officer of the Netherlands'  National Police Corps (Korps Nationale Politie (KNP)) stationed in Thailand.  The DSI and the KNP have had a good cooperation and collaboration in many aspects including the collaboration in the fight against transnational crimes and sexual exploitation. With the help of Mr. Werson, the cooperation of the two agencies was strengthened with the signing of the Letter of Intent on Combating Transnational Crime between the Department of Special Investigation and the Netherlands' National Police Corps on May 25, 2018. The Letter of Intent is aimed to strengthen the cooperation in information exchange and operational coordinating for law enforcement and the fight against diverse forms of transnational crime prioritized by both agencies, namely, human trafficking, immigrant smuggling, child sexual exploitation (including child sex tourism), outlaw motorcycle gang, money laundering, and terrorism.