DSI clarified its plans and programs to the Senate’s Sub-Committee on Consideration of the Linkage between the Budget and the Master Plan under the National Strategy and the Country’s Reform Plan (revised version)

published: 7/27/2021 6:36:41 PM updated: 8/31/2021 6:21:43 PM 1122 views   TH

DSI clarified its plans and programs to the Senate’s Sub-Committee on Consideration of the Linkage between the Budget and the Master Plan under the National Strategy and the Country’s Reform Plan (revised version)



       On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., Pol.Col.Akarapol Punyopashtambha (a Deputy Director-General) was assigned by the Director-General as the representative of the DSI to clarify the relation of the national strategic plan to the plans/programs of the DSI that respond to government policies according to the national strategic plan and the national economic and social development plan to the Senate’s Sub-Committee on Consideration of the Linkage between the Budget and the Master Plan under the National Strategy and the Country's Reform Plan (revised version). The Deputy Director-General also clarified the efficient implementation of Big Rock activities by the DSI according to the justice process and management in law enforcement, special case investigation and inquiry, and justice administration for the greatest benefit to the nation and its people.



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