DSI organized investigative interviewing training for special cases
published: 6/11/2024 4:37:31 PM updated: 6/12/2024 10:51:04 AM 263 views
On Monday, June 10th, 2024, at 8:45 AM, Police Captain Wisanu
Chimtrakool, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Special Investigation
(DSI), presided over the opening ceremony of the Investigative Interviewing for
Special Cases Training Program. The program was organized by the Special
Expertise Development Division, Bureau of Development and Logistics, and took
place from June 10th to 14th, 2024, at the DSI Academy in Nong Chok District,
The objective of the program was to equip DSI personnel with
knowledge and skills in interviewing or questioning techniques to uncover the
truth, in accordance with international standards. The participants will be
able to apply the acquired knowledge to their duties in special case
investigations, enhancing their effectiveness. A total of 31 participants were
honored to have distinguished guest speakers with expertise in psychology and
interview techniques from various agencies, both domestic and international,
such as the Royal Thai Police and the Norwegian Police Service.