DSI and Thammasat University signs MOU on academic cooperation
published: 11/25/2021 4:50:11 PM updated: 1/14/2022 4:26:32 PM 1204 views
DSI and Thammasat University signs MOU on academic cooperation
Today, on Thursday 25, 2021, at 9.30 a.m. Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (the Director-General of the DSI) and Assoc.Prof. Kesinee Witoonchart (the Rector of Thammasat University - TU) signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation to Promote, Support, Develop, and Produce Digital Innovation Personnel. The MOU signing was conducted via Zoom Cloud Meetings for the academic cooperation, the research on and development of special equipment by focusing on the increase of capability in academic management and integration, research and development, knowledge and resources exchange, technology utilization to integrate work on special case prevention, suppression, and investigation, and opportunities for students as apprentices in the DSI.
Mr. Triyarith Temahivong says the reason of this MOU is that the DSI has realized the importance of research on and development of investigative support equipment for special crime prevention and suppression by employing digital innovation and technology that needs cooperation from Thammasat University as a highly professional academy full of essential and required knowledge and resources. The signing of this MOU is the first step of formal cooperation between agencies that will promote, support, develop, and produce digital innovation personnel for creating technology and innovation of the DSI in order to prevent, suppress, investigate, and litigate special cases efficiently and fairly according to its mission.
Dated November 25, 2021