Minister of Justice delivers policies, monitors the DSI’s works, gives suggestions to solve problems at their roots, employs new technology and revises laws, urges the declaration of KPI assessment every 6 months, thanks all personnel devoting to work for people, welcomes good ideas

published: 1/25/2022 3:35:14 PM updated: 3/25/2022 2:39:18 PM 980 views   TH

Minister of Justice delivers policies, monitors the DSI’s works, gives suggestions to solve problems at their roots, employs new technology and revises laws, urges the declaration of KPI assessment every 6 months, thanks all personnel devoting to work for people, welcomes good ideas



       The Minister of Justice Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin declared that he chaired the meeting to deliver his policy and monitor the work performance of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), attended by Acting Sub Lt. Thanakrit Jitareerat (the Secretary to the Minister of Justice), Miss Nattapat Youngchaiyudh, ( the Assistant to the Minister of Justice), Mr. Khundon Ngamthura (Member of the Advisory Committees to the Ministry of Justice), Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (Director-General of the DSI) and his Bureau Directors. In the meeting, significant missions and work performance of each bureau were presented. The overall work performance of the DSI in 2021 comprised providing assistance to the public (11,581 persons in total), maintaining the interests of the public and private sectors and the people in terms of economy (12,739 million baht), intellectual property (157 million baht), consumer protection and environment (2,149 million baht), and international crime and special crime (676 million baht).

       The Minister of Justice thanked all executives and officers of the DSI who have been working with him for almost 3 years and stated that the DSI is a remarkable agency of the Ministry of Justice. Despite many achievements done for the society, many things needed to be managed repeatedly, such as cases of narcotics, luxury cars, Ponzi scheme. These problems and obstacles happen over and over since they have not been solved at their roots. For example, the cases of Ponzi scheme and pyramid scheme. Enacting new laws and revising laws can prevent and stop crime occurrences. At present, the new narcotic Act has been enacted to seize property and assets of the narcotic syndicate networks. Thus, it is essential to solve the roots of the problem, to study and employ technologies to work.

       The Minister of Justice said, “I wish them to demonstrate their great abilities, determination and dedication for the benefit of the nation and the public. Every bureau must assess its key performance indicator (KPI) and publicize its performance every 6 months. They must understand not only their own work but also the work of their colleagues and other bureaus in order to drive and develop, to grab and act for moving forwards. Every department and bureau is indispensable. Any good ideas are welcome to help our organization move forwards”.