DSI and Royal Volunteer Spirit 904 hand old and disused calendars/ compact discs to Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture for producing Braille by the Educational Technology Center for the Blind
published: 2/10/2022 8:10:41 AM updated: 3/2/2022 1:21:44 PM 823 views
DSI and Royal Volunteer Spirit 904 hand old and disused calendars/ compact discs to Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture for producing Braille by the Educational Technology Center for the Blind
Under the Department of Special Investigation’s policy to promote participation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities of its personnel, many social activities arranged by the DSI itself, by collaborating with other agencies or by forwarding activities to the competent agencies have been conducted. For example, the activity for the poor, activity to clean up households, communities and temples, activity to reduce waste for the environment, and activity to plant trees, etc. The DSI’s activity to reduce waste by recycling is another activity that cultivates its personnel’s attitude towards the value of disused materials for reproduction and reuse.
Recently, on February 9, 2022, under the activity called “Old Calendars, We Want”, the Department of Special Investigation and the Royal Volunteer Spirit 904 delivered old and disused calendars and CDs collected to the Department of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, received by Mr. Bunyakiat Kiatbanchong, (Religious Affairs Technical Officer, Senior Professional Level), for further forwarding to the Educational Technology Center for the Blind in order to produce Braille and learning media for the disabled.