DSI attends the 131th anniversary ceremony of the establishment of the Ministry of Justice: Justice System Assistance in the Digital Era to the Public

published: 3/25/2022 7:58:06 PM updated: 6/16/2022 9:24:14 AM 1161 views   TH

DSI attends the 131th anniversary ceremony of the establishment of

the Ministry of Justice: Justice System Assistance in the Digital Era to the Public



        On March 25, 2022, at the Ministry of Justice, the Director-General of the DSI, Mr. Triyarith Temahivong, his Deputies Director-General Pol.Lt.Col. Supat Thamthanarug and Pol.Maj. Yuthana Praedam, and officers of the DSI, attended the 131th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Justice: Justice System Assistance in the Digital Era to the Public. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin (the Minister of Justice) accompanied by Adjunct Professor Wisit Wisitsora-At (Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice), Acting SubLt. Thanakrit Jitareerat (the Secretary to the Minister of Justice), Miss Natthaphat Yongchaiyudh (Assistant to the Minister of Justice), Mr. Thanawat Nitikanjana (Advisor to the Minister of Justice), executives, directors-general and officials of the Ministry of Justice. The morning event comprised the ceremony of making merit to 10 Buddhist monks and chanting by the monks, presenting the awards to outstanding government officials for the year 2021, awarding the 2022 Yutidham Thamrong Badges to people as the advocates for the benefit of the Ministry of Justice, and granting the awards to outstanding research papers.


The officials of the DSI receiving the outstanding official awards for the year 2021 comprised:

1.Miss Nataporn Boonyakorn (Special Case Inquiry Official, Senior Professional Level, Bureau of Policy and Strategy), and

2.Mr.Pongpun Pangsupaya  (Special Case Officer, Professional Level, Bureau of Special Operation).


The officials of the DSI receiving the Yutidham Thamrong Badges for the year 2022 comprised:

1.Pol.Capt. Khemachart Prakyhongmanee, (Special Case Expert);

2.Mr. Theerapat Kaewchunan (Deputy Director of Bureau of Policy and Strategy);

3.Pol.Lt.Col. Sayan Promsinsap (Deputy Director of Bureau of Security Crime);

4.Miss Phunyawaree Suwanleela (Special Case Officer, Senior Professional Level); and

5.Miss Alit Laorod (Special Case Officer, Professional Level).


       The outstanding research awards of the Ministry of Justice were granted to the study project on influent groups leading to organized corruption classified by economy: a case study of corruption in value added tax and customs duty in Thailand by Miss Watchara Chaiyasar (Head of Special Case Investigation System Development Division). The award was received by Mr.Seksit Sawanyathiput (Director of Bureau of Development and Logistics).

      The DSI also jointly organized the exhibition demonstrating its outstanding performance, namely questioning witnesses in special cases by applying the CIS-INQUIRY system developed by its Bureau of Technology and Information Inspection Center.