DSI and CIFS sign an MOU on cooperation in operations for the prevention, suppression, and investigation of special cases and forensic services
published: 5/1/2024 10:37:25 AM updated: 5/3/2024 2:40:10 PM 268 views
On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director General of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), and Mr. Weerakit Hanparipan, Director General of the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in operations for the prevention, suppression, and investigation of special cases and forensic services. The signing was witnessed by Police Lieutenant Colonel Phayao Thongsen and Police Captain Wisanu Chimtrakool, Deputy Directors General of the DSI, as well as Assistant Professor Worawee Waiyawuth and Ms. Chutarut Chintakanont, Deputy Directors General of the CIFS.
The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS), both under the Ministry of Justice, have recognized the necessity of cooperation in operations for the prevention, suppression, and investigation of criminal offences regarded as special cases that require the use of special methods according to the Special Case Investigation Act and the need to rely on forensic science processes to collect evidence and verify facts in a timely, accurate, transparent, and fair manner. In 2018, the DSI and the CIFS signed an MOU and since then, they have been working together on a number of missions, including conducting joint operations for search, arrests, evidence collection, and forensic support. They have also been collaborating on academic activities by organizing joint training courses and seminars to exchange knowledge and develop the skills and competencies of their personnel. As the previous MOU expired in 2023, to ensure continued collaboration, the DSI and the CIFS then agreed to sign this MOU and establish a framework for cooperation in various areas: providing support for joint operations, information sharing, research, knowledge and innovation enhancement, personnel development, as well as training and other activities to maximize the effectiveness of special case investigation and advance the field of forensic science.
The DSI and the CIFS have high expectations that this MOU will be a crucial mechanism for driving effective justice enhancement and special case investigation, increasing public confidence in the work performances of agencies under criminal justice process and achieving the goals of enhancing justice, creating equity and fostering peace in society, which are the key missions of the Ministry of Justice.

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