DSI attended ceremony for the destruction of copyright infringing exhibits
published: 9/13/2021 11:28:08 AM updated: 10/17/2021 11:57:04 PM 1391 views
DSI attended ceremony for the destruction of copyright infringing exhibits
On Monday, September 13, 2021, 9.30 a.m., at the Ministry of Commerce, Pol.Col. Akarapol Punyopashtambha (the Deputy Director-General supervising the Bureau of the Intellectual Property Crime) as the DSI’s representative, witnessed the 2021 Destruction Ceremony of Intellectual Property Rights Infringing Goods, Exhibits in cases with final judgement, accompanied by a special case expert Pol.Maj. Worranan Srilum and a deputy director of the Bureau Mr. Thongchai Sombutjiraporn, presided over the ceremony by the Deputy Minister of Commerce Mr. Sinit Lertkrai.
The said ceremony jointly held annually by the Department of Intellectual Property, the Internal Security Operation Command, the Royal Thai Police, the Customs Department and the DSI in Bangkok, at the place for exhibits destruction in Chon Buri and Saraburi Provinces at the same time (witnessed by representatives of the DSI). Representatives from various agencies, both public and private sectors, and foreign embassies in Thailand such as the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia attended the ceremony. The DSI has played a prominent role in suppression of intellectual property infringement. By 2004, the DSI has accomplished dismantling various groups of the said networks and confiscating copyrights infringing goods. The DSI strives to work for further supporting the government’s effort to move Thailand from the intellectual property watch list of the USTR.