DSI organized an outreach activity on Justice Enhancement for Sripatum University’s students.
published: 6/27/2023 7:16:11 PM updated: 6/29/2023 1:40:52 PM 503 views
DSI organized an outreach activity on Justice Enhancement for Sripatum University’s students.
On Tuesday 27 June 2023, at Convention room 4th floor of building 11, Sripatum University, Bang Khen district, Bangkok, Police Captain Wisanu Chimtrakool, Deputy Director General of Department of Special Investigation (DSI), presided over the workshop on legal empowerment and access of justice. The event was attended by 90 students and personnel, with the purpose of publicizing missions and duties of justice enhancement in both civil and criminal cases by emphasizing the importance of all ages to increase the potential of the people. The workshop was briefed by DSI’s speakers. First, Mr. Angsuket Visuthvattanasak, Director of Bureau of Justice Enhancement Affairs, briefed on the topic “Missions and Duties of Bureau of Justice Enhancement Affairs of Department of Special Investigation”. Second, Mr. Pramuk Wichanpreecha, Deputy Director of Bureau of Justice Enhancement Affairs, briefed on the topic “the Information of Online Loaning” and divided students into groups to do the activity “learning laws through ‘The Choice’ game”, with Mrs. Umaporn Preaprasert, the former Director of Legal Aid Center for Debtors and Victims of Injustice, and officers of Bureau of Justice Enhancement Affairs.