DSI inspected containers at Laem Chabang Port, uncovers illegally imported electronic cigarettes from China worth over 10 million baht

published: 12/24/2024 3:45:42 PM updated: 1/21/2025 2:59:03 PM 1682 views   TH

DSI inspected containers at Laem Chabang Port, uncovers illegally imported electronic cigarettes from China worth over 10 million baht

            Due to the increasing use of electronic cigarettes in Thai society and their unauthorized status for import and sale in the country, smuggling networks have emerged to distribute electronic cigarettes within the kingdom. This issue has negatively impacted the economy, society, and public health, with electronic cigarettes spreading among teenagers and even children, causing growing concern among parents. In the long term, this problem could affect national development. Thus, the Department of Special Investigation has recognized the urgency of addressing electronic cigarette smuggling and prioritized suppression efforts in response to requests from the tobacco industry to tackle this issue.

            Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Director-General of the Department of Special Investigation, has assigned the Bureau of Tax Crime to collaborate with the Customs Department and the Royal Thai Police to investigate the smuggling of electronic cigarettes into the kingdom. Under the supervision of Mr. Tanin Prempree, Director of the Bureau of Tax Crime, Police Major Klahan Klongpayaban, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Tax Crime, and Mr. Panthphisisth Visalseth, Director of Tax Crime Division 2, along with their team, conducted an investigation into the matter. The investigation revealed that electronic cigarettes were being smuggled into the country through Laem Chabang Port on December 22 - 23, 2024, concealed in shipping containers and mixed with other goods.

            On December 24, 2024, Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Director-General of the Department of Special Investigation, visited Laem Chabang Port along with officials from the Bureau of Tax Crime. They collaborated with the Laem Chabang Port Customs Office, led by Mr.Wuth Rengpadungtong, Director of Laem Chabang Port Customs Office, and officials to inspect suspicious goods originating from China. The inspection uncovered 47,495 electronic cigarettes, with a total value of over 10 million baht, concealed among other products inside a shipping container. This is a violation the Customs Act, B.E. 2560 (2017). The Department of Special Investigation, in cooperation with the Customs Department, has seized the goods and will further proceed with legal action.

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