DSI finds Superintendent Joe’s Lamborghini in its luxury cars case

published: 8/26/2021 2:59:42 PM updated: 10/1/2021 2:28:07 PM 2179 views   TH

DSI finds Superintendent Joe’s Lamborghini in its luxury cars case



       According to the story in the news, Pol.Col. Thitisan Utthanaphon (Superintendent of the Mueang Nakhon Sawan Provincial Police Station) and others are accused of committing the offences of “being officials jointly exercising their functions wrongfully or jointly omitting to exercise their functions wrongfully, to cause injury to any person, jointly committing murder on the other person by employing torture or acts of cruelty”. From the media, it is known that there are luxury (expensive) cars among the 29 cars under the possession of the alleged offender.

       The DSI, upon inspecting its case management database, found that among the cars mentioned in the news, a Lamborghini with vehicle identification number ZHWEC1ZD6ELA....... is the car in its special case no. 199/2560 where 8 alleged offenders who jointly imported new cars into the Kingdom by falsely declaring the import price lower than its actual price for tax evasion, causing damaging to the state, were prosecuted for the offences under the Customs Act, B.E. 2560 (Sections 27 and 115 of the Customs Act, B.E. 2469), the Excise Tax Act, B.E. 2560 (Sections 165 and 167 of the Excise Tax Act, B.E. 2527), and the Criminal Code. This case caused huge damage to the state, namely the amount of 9,512,525.61 baht less than its actual price, 7,610,020.00 baht of underpayment of duty tax, 19,025,050.27 baht of underpayment of excise tax, 1,902,505.33 baht of underpayment of interior tax, and 2,663,507.48 baht of underpayment of value-added tax, totally 31,201,083.08 baht of underpayment of unpaid duties and taxes. The DSI submitted the inquiry file of this case to the public prosecutor since August 22, 2019. The system directory indicated that the case is currently under the consideration of the Attorney-General.

       Cases of luxury cars handled by the DSI as its special cases for the offences of falsely declaring the import price lower than its actual price included 216 cases. Out of total, the DSI already submitted its inquiry files of 150 cases to the public prosecutors. At the present, there are 66 cases under its proceedings.

       This is for your information.

August 26, 2021


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