DSI and Department of Health Service Support (HSS) sign their agreement of cooperation to protect children born by medically assisted reproductive technology (illegal surrogacy)

published: 5/31/2022 2:45:40 PM updated: 8/1/2022 10:26:43 AM 1058 views   TH

DSI and Department of Health Service Support (HSS) sign their agreement of cooperation to protect children born by medically assisted reproductive technology (illegal surrogacy)



       Today (Tuesday, May 31, 2022), 08.30 a.m. at the conference room no.4, 9th floor, the Department of Health Service Support (HSS), the Ministry of Public Health, the Director-General of the DSI Mr.Triyarith Temahivong and the Director-General of the HSS Doctor Tares Krassanairawiwong signed the Agreement of Cooperation for the protection of children born by medically assisted reproductive technology, the support, and the information exchange, in order to protect and suppress offenders incorrectly using medically assisted reproductive technology. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Pol.Maj. Jatupol Bongkochmas (Director of Foreign Affair and Transnational Crime of the DSI) and Mr.Arkom Praditsuwan ( Deputy Director-General of the HSS).

       This Agreement of Cooperation prescribed the following framework of cooperation and its main points.

       1) The coordination for cooperation between officers of both organizations is aimed at facts and gathering evidence complying with their laws.

       2) For crime relating to criminal offences regraded as special cases under the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E. 2547 (2004) and its amendments found by the DSI, the DSI will notify the HSS of the crime, in writing, and request the HSS to designate its representative to petition or denounce and give statements to the special case inquiry official and/or deliver other related evidence for taking action.

       3) The access to sources of information enables the connection of cooperation on investigation, inquiry or the joint operation to prevent and suppress a criminal offence regraded as a special case, except the provision of such information violating the Official Information Act, B.E. 2540 (1997).

       4) The support in term of knowledgeable and specifically competent personnel, both organizations agreed to assign the said personnel as the advisor of the case or to perform other task as the case may be.

       5) The development of personnel between agencies, both organizations can assign their personnel to attend the training course, study visit or other activities organized by each organization.  

       6) For financial support, both agencies will jointly consider as necessary and appropriate


Dated May 31, 2022