DSI Region 5 cooperates with local agencies to inspect encroachment on a canal to change its flow of water by a resort owner affecting locals in Pua District, Nan Province
published: 6/16/2022 8:44:39 PM updated: 6/20/2022 1:21:23 PM 1290 views
DSI Region 5 cooperates with local agencies to inspect encroachment on a canal to change its flow of water by a resort owner affecting locals in Pua District, Nan Province
On Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 9.30 a.m., Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (Director-General) assigned Pilot Officer Kittikom Kongsompoch (Head of Special Case Operation Center Region 5) and the officials of the Center to integrate its work with the relevant agencies in Sila Phet Subdistrict, Pua District, Nan Province, by meeting to discuss the inspection of a resort located in the area of Sila Phet Subdistrict, Pua District, Nan Province. In the early 2022, the DSI received a complaint from the people in Sila Phet Subdistrict, Pua District, Nan Province, claiming that the resort owner has continuously built accommodations and permanent buildings since 2017 and that he/she is likely to expand his/her business. The construction of such buildings encroached on the canal’s river bank, crossed the public ditch, changed the canal’s flow of water for his/her own benefits, and caused impacts on the people using the water for agriculture. The act may be imitated by other entrepreneurs. Besides, the said business owner also acts like an influential figure that the local government officers cannot enforce the laws, causing impacts on environment and natural resources in Nan Province.
The inquiry official team will conduct its field inspection to gather facts and evidence to determine whether this is the offence regarded as a special case under the Notification of the Board of Special Case (No.8) B.E.2565 (2022) On Determination of the Nature of Crime Regarded as the Special Case Under Section 21 Paragraph One (1) of the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E.2547 (2004) for the offence under the Land Code and other relevant laws.