DSI launches drones to inspect encroachment of Kamala mountain forest in Phuket Province
published: 6/8/2022 10:15:24 AM updated: 6/30/2022 10:04:40 AM 1416 views
DSI launches drones to inspect encroachment of Kamala mountain forest in Phuket Province
Today (June 7, 2022), Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (Director-General) assigned Mr. Suphachai Khamkhum (Head of Special Case Operation Center Region 8), Ms. Wanwisa Khamchamnan (Head of Maps and Geo-information Technology Division, Bureau of Technology and Information Inspection Center) and officials of the said Center and Division to integrate their work with officers of the Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Division (NED), the Forest Protection and Forest Fire Control Division of the Forest Resource Management Office No. 12 (Krabi Branch) and the Kathu District Land Office to inspect an area encroaching on the Kamala mountain forest under the investigation case no. 109/2565 and the orders of the Mayor of Kathu Municipality to cease the land excavation or land filling or to prevent potential damage or to repair the land excavation or land filling in accordance with paragraph one of Section 31 for the case of land excavation or filling that caused or may cause damage to property of another person.
The said inspection happened after the Special Case Operation Center Region 8 inspected the area (about 300 rais) of the Kamala mountain national reserved forest in Ko Kaeo Subdistrict, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket Province and found deforestation, land degradation and excavation for sale without permission by a group of trespassers exploiting the land for its own benefits without fear of laws and government officials. The Center surveyed the area with GPS coordinates plotting tools and found that the area is located on the coordinates 7.935472, 98.36222. From initial inspection, the said coordinates are in the area of the Kamala mountain national reserved forest, Ko Kaeo Subdistrict, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket Province. The said area was declared as a national reserved forest under the Ministerial Regulation No. 401 (B.E. 2512 (1969)) issued under the provisions of the National Reserved Forest Act, B.E. 2507 (1964), publicized in the Government Gazette, Volume 86, Part 16, dated February 25, 1969. Encroachment of the said area may be regarded as an offence under the Forest Act, B.E. 2484 (1941) and an offence under the National Reserved Forest Act, B.E. 2507 (1964) and its amendment.
The officials of the Maps and Geo-information Technology Division launched drones to survey the area of the Khaun Khao Kamala permanent forest, the Kamala mountain national reserved forest and the areas for agricultural land reform. The survey discovered traces of new soil surface excavation by observing the prints of excavator tracks. Next, the DSI will coordinate with Phuket Provincial Land Office to verify whether the title documents were legally issued and the submitted title documents match the actual land parcels.