DSI accepted a case of the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited as its special case
published: 2/25/2021 10:23:21 AM updated: 6/8/2021 3:38:27 PM 3159 views
DSI accepted a case of the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited as its special case
The DSI received a letter from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, the Prime Minister’s Office requesting the DSI to accept the case relating to the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited to be its special case. The said letter attached the complaint letter and denunciation of Associate Professor Chuchaat Thammacharoen for the DSI to investigate the transactions that related to the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited and to legally prosecute against the Implementation Committee of the said Cooperative, comprising Dr.Bancha Chalapirom, Dr. Sawad Saengbangpla and other persons as the executives, for jointly illegally converts the deposited money of members from the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited. The commission of the offence is depositing and lending the said money to several cooperatives, but failing to comply with the regulations of the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited regarded as an offence of misappropriation and/or jointly misappropriation under the Criminal Code by jointly committing-the said acts many times with a nature of regular conduct regarded as a predicate offence under Section 3(18) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, B.E.2542 (1999).
Furthermore, the acts of Implementation Committee of the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited is bringing money or properly received from the said offence for transfers, receipt of transfers to related persons, regarded as converting the property, the offence of money laundering under section 5 and the offence of conspiracy to commit money laundering (Section 9) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, B.E.2542 (1999) that is an offence in the Annex attached to the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E.2547 (2004).
The commission of crime of the said group of persons is complicated, in a structured team, working separately, jointly sharing benefits, generating high-value damage. The said act has a serious effect upon public order and moral, or the national economic system, or the cooperative system in general that meet the criterion for accepting as a special case pursuant to Section 21, paragraph one (1)(a)(b) of the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E.2547 (2004), and has a substance of the nature of the offence prescribed in the Annex (6) attached to of the Notification of the Board of Special Case (No.7) B.E.2562 (2019). The Special Case Screening Committee decided unanimously to propose the Director-General of the DSI to accept a case of the executives of the Chulalongkorn University Savings Cooperative Limited likely to commit the offence of money laundering to be inquired as its special case no.25/2564 on February 23, 2021
Dated February 24, 2021