DSI AMLO, Chiang Mai Provincial Police pursued the proceeds of crime of former executives of the Railway Club Saving Cooperative

published: 1/7/2021 4:05:44 PM updated: 7/1/2021 3:06:42 PM 2081 views   TH

DSI AMLO, Chiang Mai Provincial Police pursued the proceeds of crime of former executives of the Railway Club Saving Cooperative




       Pol.Lt.Col. Korrawat Panprapakorn (the Director-General) assigned Pol.Lt.Col. Somboon Sarasith (a Deputy Director-General overseeing the Center against Criminal Proceeds Laundering) to order Mr. Rawee Acksornsiri (the Center Head), Mr. Thawatchai Rattanapreechachai (a Deputy Head as the head of the inquiry team) to take action against the offender in the railway club savings cooperative according to the investigation case no.278/2020.



       Today (Thursday, January 7, 2021) at 10:00 a.m., the Center Deputy Heads Mr. Thawatchai Rattanapreechachai and Mr. Jinnakorn Kaewsri, and Mr. Pongtawat Oumsumang (the Head of Criminal Proceeds Laundering Crime Division 3) together with his team join forces with Mr. Suwichak Thammachaipoj (the Director of Litigation Division 1 of the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO)) and the Police of the Chiang Mai Provincial Police led by Pol.Maj.Gen. Pichet Chiranantasin (the Commander of Chiang Mai Provincial Police) and Pol.Col. Nopparit Kanta (Superintendent, Investigation) to paste the Transaction Committee’s property seizure order no.Yor125/2020 at the building no.283, Moo 9, Nong Han Subdistrict, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province according to the seizure order no.76 (the dormitory category, title deed no.68805, land no.2092, Nong Han Subdistrict, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province).



       At the building, the team found Mr. Prachuap Nakham (a property co-owner) and informed him about the order of the Transaction Committee for acknowledgment and prohibiting disposal of the said property (the 3-storey building named Kiriya Place with 54 rooms renting out for 2,500 - 2,800 baht per room, the total mortgaged property valued at around 24.3 million baht with a licence to operate male-female dormitory business. The investigation found that in 2015, the alleged former director of the said cooperative had brought the corrupted proceeds from the railway club cooperatives to register common ownership with remuneration on the said plot of land. The AMLO will seize for managing the said property and requesting the civil court’s property seizure. In addition, for the integration of operations, the DSI, the AMLO and the Royal Thai Police are of the opinion that it is a measure generating benefit to law enforcement and public confidence creation. For the achievement of the Transaction Committee’s order no.125/2020, the return of property to the injured persons, the further expansion of investigations to related networks, and the response to the problem of corruption, the DSI and the AMLO will expedite the actions to pursue the property and related persons for strict, further legal action according to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, B.E. 2542 (1999), and the Special Case Investigation Act B.E. 2547 (2004).


Dated January 7, 2021

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