DSI accepted a case of trespasses on areas (about 108 rai) of the Khao Nak-Kerd National Reserved Forest above the Bang Ward water reservoir in Kathu District, Phuket Province as its special case

published: 5/31/2021 2:57:44 PM updated: 6/23/2021 1:21:07 PM 1898 views   TH

DSI accepted a case of trespasses on areas (about 108 rai) of the Khao Nak-Kerd National Reserved Forest above the Bang Ward water reservoir in Kathu District, Phuket Province as its special case



       In the early of January 2021, the forest officials of the Prevention and Suppression Center Region 4 (Southern Region) joined forces with relating agencies to inspect the said area. Inspection revealed the trespass to build a road to the area of the Khao Nak-Kerd National Reserved Forest (the steep area, fertile forest with many big trees and the watershed) above the Bang Ward water reservoir, Kathu Subdistrict, Kathu District, Phuket Province.  Besides, the forest area was reclaimed widely while many standing dead trees (snags) were found. In additional, trees were cut down and burnt for sunlight streaming into the area under the plow. The road (4 meters wide and 1.5 kilometers long) was constructed on the ridge. The big, restricted trees along both sides of the road were uprooted. During the inspection, the officials neither find the alleged offenders nor know the culprits. The trespassed area is 108 rai 3 ngan 43 sq. wah and the state’s damage is 16,328,625 baht. Therefore, the officials seized the aforesaid area and delivered to an inquiry official of the Kathu Police Station for investigation, inquiry and prosecution against the offender.



       This case resulted from the Royal Forest Department submitting its letter to the DSI for considering to accept it as a special case. The DSI’s Bureau of Natural Resources and Environment Crime was assigned to send its officials to inspect the aforesaid area, conduct investigation and coordinate with local police. The fact is the local inquiry official accepted the complaint as the criminal case no. 46/2564 dated January 22 2021. The important evidence of this case is the video and photos recorded and taken while crime was being committed. Later, the inquiry officials, equipped with a search warrant of the court, inspected and seized 2 backhoe trucks of crime commission as evidence and requested the arrest warrants of the Phuket Provincial Court against 6 offenders. Due to the trespass for possession of the area of the aforesaid National Reserved Forest covering more than 100 rai, it is regraded as an offence subject to Section 21 Paragraph one (1) (khor) of the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E. 2547 (2004) and its amendments, and an offence with its nature according to the Notification of the Board of Special Case (No. 7) B.E. 2562 (2019), on determination of the nature of crime regarded as the special case. The aforesaid crime commission is complex that requires special inquiry, investigation and special collection of evidence. In addition, it might have a serious effect upon public order and moral, national security, international relationship, the country’s economy or finance or having an influential person as a principle, instigator or accomplice. Therefore, the Director-General ordered to accept this case as the special case for further inquiry.

       The Director-General of the DSI said “the trespass and deforestation of natural resources and environment is a serious crime that DSI must take action and accept it as a special case. Because it is a crime against natural resources that causes impacts on the short and long-term condition of geography and weather affecting public order. After accepting this case as its special case, pressure faced by the local officials will be reduced and we will collaborate with the local agencies for facts of this case”  


Dated May 28, 2021 

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