DSI arrests an alleged offender deceiving Thai women for forced prostitution in United Arab Emirates

published: 30/10/2564 15:00:59 updated: 19/2/2565 13:19:00 1847 views   TH

DSI arrests an alleged offender deceiving Thai women for forced prostitution in United Arab Emirates



       According to the policies of the government and the Justice Minister Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin on prioritization of countering human trafficking gangs by serious and urgent suppression of related agencies, the Director-General of the DSI, Mr. Triyarith Temahivong has not only given priority to the said problems, but also driven the DSI’s works according to the policies by ordering the Bureau of Human Trafficking Crime to coordinate for cooperation with the security and related agencies.

       Information submitted to the DSI for further legal proceedings by officers of the Royal Thai Consulate General, Dubai, United Arab Emirates detailed hindrance, detention, passport confiscation, and forced prostitution of Thai women lured to forced prostitution in United Arab Emirates. The injured persons could not flee from a massage parlour. Upon raiding to search and arrest by the officers of the Dubai Police Force, the injured persons appeared and asked for helping them to return to Thailand. The Director-General ordered the Bureau of Human Trafficking Crime to investigate and inquire into this case as its in special case no. 8/2564. Evidence collected by the special case inquiry official team led to the issuance of arrest warrant against a related alleged offender.

       Recently, on Friday, October 29, 2021, the officers of the Surveillance and Intelligence Division of the DSI arrested a Thai female, the alleged offender wanted on the arrest warrant of the Criminal Court, in the area of Samut Sakhon Province in the offence of conspiracy by agreeing between two persons or more to commit an offence of human trafficking and commit the offence as conspired by jointly committed by three persons or more for unlawfully exploiting from prostitution by procuring, buying, selling, vending, bringing from or sending to, detaining, confining, harbouring, or receipt of any person by threatening, forcing, kidnapping, defrauding, swindling, abusing of power, etc.

       For the act of this alleged offender, she persuaded the injured persons to travel to work at a massage parlour in Dubai, United Arab Emirates by offering high income. The injured persons trusted and traveled to Dubai. Upon their arrival, they were forced to prostitute and their passports were confiscated by the massage parlour’s owner. They ended up in debt unknowingly the facts before departure for Dubai. If the injured persons did not consent to prostitute, they would not have money for living. They were unable to flee because of the confiscation of their passports. This case the special case inquiry official team will extend its investigation to foreign members of the gangs for further legal proceedings.

       The DSI has its intention of continually investigating and inquiring, preventing and suppressing human trafficking crime. The DSI wishes to warn people not to be fooled by persons as the agents/brokers offering work in massage parlours in foreign countries with high income, comfort of living without forced sex services/prostitution, such as work in the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, etc. If you have information or clues to human trafficking crime, you can report it to the DSI at its address no. 128, Chaeng Watthana Road, Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Lak Si District, Bangkok or its hotline 1202 (free call nationwide). The DSI will keep information of its formants confidential.


Dated October 30, 2021

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