DSI Director-General gave interview about the rise of child prostitution via social media during COVID-19 outbreak, the activity under the “No Victims, No Tears” campaign supported by ASEAN-ACT

published: 5/20/2022 7:13:56 AM updated: 5/31/2022 2:24:47 PM 792 views   TH

DSI Director-General gave interview about the rise of child prostitution via social media during COVID-19 outbreak, the activity under the “No Victims, No Tears” campaign supported by ASEAN-ACT



       On May 17, 2022, at the reception room of the Ratchaburidirekrit Building, Government Complex Building A, Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (Director-General) gave an interview about the current rising trends of child prostitution via online social media during the outbreak of COVID-19, the activity under the “No Victims, No Tears” campaign of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security supported by the ASEAN-Australia Counter-Trafficking (ASEAN-ACT) aiming to publicize the National Anti-Human Trafficking Day of Thailand (June 5 every year) and to express the genuine determination of the Thai government and firm cooperation against human trafficking crime between public, private and civil society sectors as well as the Australian government’s support for the action of the Thai government and relevant sectors to reinforce the abilities of the justice system agencies in coping with trafficking in persons and protecting victims via the ASEAN-ACT’s project. The key issue relating to the problem was that the outbreak of COVID-19 not only generated the increases of the unemployment rate and the online communication via social media, but also created opportunities for offenders to trick people into working abroad. The said tricked people were forced to work as scammers. For the underperformed people, they would be physically assaulted or sold to other workplaces.

       The Director-General addressed the human trafficking problem as the problem impacting human rights and dignity, regarded as a national agenda that the government by the Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Jan-o-cha, the Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan, and the Minister of Justice Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin has emphasized all sectors to prioritize, truly cooperate for solutions to the problems. The DSI, as a law enforcement agency under the Justice Ministry, is determined to resolve the problem by performing its work in accordance with the rule of law and the principle of human rights to help the trafficked victims regardless of their gender, ethnicity or social status, and to do cases with transparency and fairness to all parties.