DSI joined forces to arrest modeling agents being the network of global distributors of child pornography

published: 2/11/2021 3:21:27 PM updated: 2/24/2021 9:37:42 PM 1991 views   TH

DSI joined forces to arrest modeling agents being the network of global distributors of child pornography



       The DSI by its Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime received the information of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) informing the DSI of a Thai national suspected of sexually abusing children in Bangkok. With only a naked photo of a child submitted by the AFP, the DSI integrated its work with related agencies by using technologies for information analysis and linking supported by a non-profit organization named “Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.)”. Having clues that Mr.Thakorn Atthapathomchai or “Mee” or “Bas” was an accomplice, the DSI joined forces with Chok Chai Metropolitan Police and coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the New Zealand Police for information in order to arrest the suspect on May 21, 2020. On the same day, the team of the Bureau and Khlong Luang Provincial Police jointly collected key evidence for proposing the case to be the special case no.77/2021, leading to the arrest of a Thai national wanted on arrest warrant Mr.Danudetch Saengkaew or “Nu” or “Nene”.

       On February 11, 2021, the team of the DSI, the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) and multiple non-profit organizations jointly conducted their operation to arrest Mr.Saengkaew at his house operated as the office of Nene Modeling, a well-known child modeling agency in Thailand, for the offences of importing any obscene computer data into the computer system and that computer data may be accessed by the public, having and attempting to have sexual intercourse with a child who is not yet over 13 years of age and not his wife or husband whether such child consent or not, committing an indecent act to a child who is not yet over 13 years of age whether such child consent or not, taking away a child who is not yet over 15 years of age for an indecent act even with consent of such child, and taking away a child who is not yet over 15 years of age from the parent, guardian, or person looking after such child for an indecent purpose. The investigation and arrest of Mr.Danudetch Saengkaew resulted in the discovery of over 500,000 child pornographic image files, the highest amount of child pornographic images obtained , and the link of sexual abuse of thousands of children. This resulted from abundant cooperation between many domestic and international agencies.

       Apart from the legal proceeding against the suspect, the DSI also coordinated with many private non-profit organizations, namely, the O.U.R., the A21 Foundation, the LIFT International, the Alliance Anti Trafic (AAT), the TLCS Legal Advocate and the Social Responsibility Legal Advocacy Work (SR LAW) for physical and mental remedies and indemnity for the victims. This arrest reflected the significance of the international cooperation for intelligence exchange, investigation and law enforcement for the offences committed in many continents worldwide. The DSI would organized a press conference detailing cooperation and guidelines for future operations to help children who are the victims of child sexual exploitation regarded as offence, both legal and moral, highly prioritized by worldwide international agencies.


dated February 11, 2021


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