DSI searches bid rigging networks in 3 provinces

published: 7/24/2022 10:59:57 AM updated: 8/10/2022 5:19:45 PM 1463 views   TH

DSI searches bid rigging networks in 3 provinces



       Mr. Triyarith Temahivong (the Director-General of the DSI) approved investigation by the Bureau of Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies into the case of the submission of bids for construction of a post office building in Samrong Thap District, Surin Province and for construction of post office buildings in other related areas with circumstances of “collusive bidding” (bid-rigging) under the Sections 4 and 5 of the Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies Act, B.E. 2542 (1999).

       On Thursday, July 21, 2022, Pol. Maj. Yuthana Praedam (a Deputy Director-General of the DSI) assigned the special case inquiry official team to search target areas for evidence in the said case. Pol.Capt. Surawut Rangsai (the Director of Bureau of Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies) and Pol.Lt.Col. Jukkrit Visetketgarn (the Director of the Bureau of Special Operation and the Head of the Search Team) led the joint operation between officers of the Bureau of Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies, the Bureau of Special Operation, the Provincial Police and the Central Institute of Forensic Science, equipped with search warrants of the Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases, to search 5 target places of the juristic persons who won the biddings in the respective areas (2 places in Surin Province, 2 places in Roi Et Province and 1 place in Ubon Ratchathani Province).

       The search revealed documents related to the relevant procurement projects for construction of post office buildings and documents of other projects as well as document information of biddings for various projects stored in the computer system. The special case inquiry officials seized/froze such evidence for inspection before urging its investigation and inquiry for further prosecution against the group of persons/juristic persons as the offenders. The Bureau of Crime Relating to Submission of Bids to Government Agencies will summon the offenders to the DSI for acknowledgement of the charges. The 5 offenders included the relevant persons, the winner of the biddings and the persons colluding in the bid rigging. The names of these individuals have not been disclosed.

       The DSI has its determination to prevent and suppress crime relating to submission of bids to government agencies according to its authority and duty in order to protect national and public benefits, devotes its resources and integrates its work with government, private, and civil society sectors for efficiency. Thus, if people have any information of or clues to crime relating to submission of bids to government agencies, please inform the DSI at its address no. 128, Chaeng Watthana Road, Thung Song Hong Sub-district, Laksi District, Bangkok or via its Hotline 1202 (Toll Free throughout the country). The DSI will keep the informant’s information confidential.


Dated July 24, 2022

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