DSI arrested additional suspect in its case of trespasses on Khao Duang Nok forest, Surat Thani
published: 12/5/2021 1:42:01 PM updated: 2/8/2022 3:23:03 PM 1516 views
DSI arrested additional suspect in its case of trespasses on Khao Duang Nok forest, Surat Thani
The Department of Special Investigation arrested an alleged offender in its special case no. 2/2564 in the offences of jointly trespasses on, deforestation, reclamation and occupation of the area of Khao Duang Nok, Bo Phut Subdistrict, Ko Samui District, Surat Thani Province. The Surveillance and Intelligence Center of the DSI tracked and traced until it could arrest Mr. Prakit Chamnankit, the 64-year-old authorized director of the Ko SaMui Panorama Property Co., Ltd. under the criminal court’s arrest warrant no. 1979/2564 dated November 19, 2021, in the offences of “jointly occupation, cuts and deforestation or setting the forest on fire for oneself or others”, while the alleged offender was domiciled in Nakhon Sawan Province.
This case the special case inquiry official responsible for the special case no.2/2564 investigated, inquired and collected evidence of the case of jointly holding, occupying, cutting, deforesting or setting the forest on fire for oneself or others, the land in Moo. 4, Bo Phut Subdistrict, Kho Samui District, Surat Thani Province. Previously, in the area of Khao Duang Nok, the forest was rich. Subsequently, the investigation found the document of S.K.1 of another land plot was made for applying for the illegal issuance of the title deed no. 26493 covering the area of 96 rai. Mr. Prakit Chamnankit, the alleged offender, is a capitalist buying the aforesaid title deed’s land plot and using it as security for a loan from a financial institution. The special case inquiry team requested the criminal court to issue an arrest warrant against him for the offences of jointly holding, occupying, cutting, deforesting or setting the forest on fire for oneself or others. Equipped with the criminal court’s arrest warrant no. 1979/2564, the alleged offender was arrested and delivered to the special case inquiry official responsible for this case.
The aforesaid duty performance is subject to the executive’s policy on protection of natural resources of the country as the state’s interest by mobilizing all resources and efforts to maintain the security of natural resources and by prioritizing the resolution to the problem of trespasses on the state’s land for reclaiming and returning forests of the state being held and occupied by individuals to be property of the state.
Dated December 5, 2021