DSI notifies charges against former executives of Railway Club’s Saving and Credit Co.op. and others (18 persons) of money laundering and conspiracy to launder money
published: 12/21/2021 2:04:17 PM updated: 2/8/2022 3:52:03 PM 1792 views
DSI notifies charges against former executives of Railway Club’s Saving and Credit Co.op. and others (18 persons) of money laundering and conspiracy to launder money
The Director-General of the DSI, Mr. Triyarith Temahivong and Pol.Maj. Yuthana Praedum (the Deputy Director-General overseeing the Center Against Criminal Proceeds Laundering Crime) assigned the Center to take action in every dimension against criminal offenders in the case of corruption by embezzling money from the bank-account of the Railway Club’s Saving and Credit Co.op., and converting the nature of things for hiding, concealing sources of property or committing any action to conceal or disguise its true nature of sources or possession or use such property with knowledge of its sources, resulting in the confiscation and seizure of such property on October 27, 2021 and exercising its power pursuant to Section 24 (5) of the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E.2547 (2004) for the confiscation of 189 lists of property, worth approximately 300 million baht, as reported on the news to the public.
Today (Monday, December 20, 2021) at 10.30 a.m. Pol.Maj. Yuthana Praedum (the Deputy Director-General overseeing the Center) assigns Mr. Tawatchai Rattanaprechachai (the Deputy Head of the Center and the Head of the Special Case Inquiry Team), Mr. Pongtawat Oumsumang (the Head of Criminal Proceeds Laundering Crime Division 3), and the special case inquiry team responsible for the Special Case No.21/2564 to inform the former executives of the Railway Club’s Saving and Credit Co.op. and others (18 persons) of the charges of jointly laundering money and/or laundering money pursuant to Section 5 read with Section 83 and conspiracy by agreeing from 2 persons upward to launder money pursuant to Section 9 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, B.E.2542 (1999) and its amendments.
The Director-General ordered the special case inquiry team to take actions in every dimension under the scope of laws and provide justice to all parties, as well as to expand, accelerate and trace property and related persons for legal proceedings in order to remedy and return property to the Railway Club’s Saving and Credit Co.op., for its able to manage further. Besides, over 6,000 members of the Cooperatives will receive their stock payments in return. The DSI will integrate its working with the Anti-Money Laundering Office for efficiency of enforcing laws continuously and strictly and creating public confidence and for achievements of its operations complying with the Anti Money Laundering Act, B.E.2542 (1999) and the Special Case Investigation Act, B.E.2547 (2004).
Dated December 20, 2021